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This is a wiki for my TTDPatch and OpenTTD newgrf files. Here you will (eventually) find detailed information on every GRF I have created, and all the vehicles, stations, industries and other things contained within.

Other people are welcome to create or discuss articles. Please read the guide to editing here.



UK Railway Set (UKRS2)

Main Page: UK Railway Set

The UK Railway Set is a train set featuring trains from the United Kingdom from 1830 to 2050. It is the spiritual successor to my first GRF, the UK Renewal Set, which in turn started as an attempt to improve the default TTD Temperate vehicle set.

The latest version is pa 0.81 released on the 25th of July 2010.




Main Page: North American Renewal Set

The North American Renewal Set was a co-operative effort between myself and DanMacK to replicate the company-coloured, TTD-feel UKRS in a North American style. The set features many "firsts", including variable running costs, regearable locomotives, and automagical push-pull control cars. It's also one of the first sets to feature vehicles before 1920, with start dates as early as 1830 possible in OpenTTD.

The latest version is 2.03 released on the 28th of August 2009.





Main Page: Aviators Aircraft Set

Aviator, Av8 or Aviators Aircraft Set is an aircraft replacement set, with a stronger focus on early and smaller aircraft than the default vehicle set (which includes only two non-jet airliners!). Av8 features aircraft from 1911 to 2010, with fictional aircraft up to 2029.

The latest version is 1.81 released on the 14th of January 2011.



NFO Editing