2-6-4 Suburban

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The 2-6-4 Suburban is a steam locomotive in the UK Railway Set.


Statistics and information

Two livery variations, based on cargo type and year built
Type: Local Passenger and Goods Steam Locomotive
Introduction: 1927
Withdrawal: 1970
Speed: 70mph
Power: 1200hp
Weight: 88t
Tractive Effort: 109kN
Replaces: 4-4-0 Edwardian
Replaced By: Metro Cammell DMU, Sulzer Type 2

Prototype information

The LMS/BR 2-6-4T was a highly successful series of suburban tank engines, originally designed by Henry Fowler in the 1920s and subsequently tweaked by Stanier, Fairburn, and Robert Riddles. Production of the Riddles BR Standard 4MT ended in 1956.

Similar locomotives

Suburban passenger tank locomotives were used by all of the big four except the SR, who used EMUs and their Q1 Class tender locomotives. The equivalents of the LMS designs were the LNER N2 and the GWR 6100.

Special GRF features

  • Locomotive flips direction when train reverses.
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