0-6-0 Goods

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The 0-6-0 Goods is a steam locomotive in Project 1000.

Statistics and information

One livery variation
Type: Freight Steam Locomotive
Introduction: 1883
Withdrawal: 1955
Speed: 50mph
Power: 600hp
Weight: 71t
Tractive Effort: 80kN
Replaces: Spinner
Replaced By: Jinty, Mogul

Prototype information

GER Class Y14
The GWR Dean Goods was a celebrated 19th century workhorse. Light, fast and economical, many survived in branchline service until the 1950s.

Similar locomotives

0-6-0 freight and light passenger engines were widely built around the turn of the 20th century. Similar locomotives include the GER Class Y14 and NBR C Class.

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