UK Renewal Set

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The UK Renewal Set (UKRS) was my first GRF. Originally intended as a rehash of the original TTD vehicles, it has ended up a full replacement train set.

The UKRS features rail vehicles from the United Kingdom, 1920 to 2050. It is a company coloured set and is quite popular in OTTD multiplayer.

GRF Parameters

Number Function
0 disable running sounds if set to 1
1 climate availability (1 = temp, 2 = arc, 3 = both)
2 disable "shunting" behaviour if set to 1

So for example, to have the set available in temperate only, and with running sounds and shunting active, you would put newgrf/pb_ukrs.grf 0 1 0 in your newgrf.cfg.

Website and Download


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