A vehicle (NFO)

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This is an explanation of how to code a vehicle. You should have the wiki open while you read this, and refer to it. I will gloss over a lot of things that are explained in detail there.


Basic layout

The basic code structure for a vehicle in NFO is as follows:

Real sprites (Action 1)
Action 2
VarAction 2s
Action 3

Action 4
Action 0s
  • The real sprites are the graphics your vehicle will use. See the wiki page.
  • The action 2 gives the graphics a label (a "cargoID", although I prefer to think of it as an Action 2 ID). See the wiki page.
  • The VarAction2s are decision-making code between the action 3 and the action 2 (nb: you read action 2 chains from the bottom up, starting with the action 3 and ending with a "real" action 2!). They can also be used to do all kinds of cool tricks with the use of callbacks. Your first vehicle will probably not have any of these at all, but will simply have an action 3 pointing directly to a "real" action 2.
  • The action 3 is where you tell the vehicle what sprites to use. See the wiki page.
  • The action 0 sets the properties for the vehicle. See the wiki page.

An example

Here is an example of a simple train locomotive. As you can see, it's quite heavily commented. Don't be afraid to use a lot of comments to remind yourself what's where in your NFO.

// My Locomotive (0C) -----------------------------------------------------------------

 1290 * 4	 01 00 01 08
 1604 SPRITES\myloco.pcx 0 0 01 24 8 -3 -12
 1605 SPRITES\myloco.pcx 16 0 09 17 22 -14 -9
 1606 SPRITES\myloco.pcx 48 0 01 12 32 -16 -8
 1607 SPRITES\myloco.pcx 96 0 09 17 22 -6 -9
 1608 SPRITES\myloco.pcx 128 0 01 24 8 -3 -12
 1609 SPRITES\myloco.pcx 144 0 09 17 22 -14 -9
 1610 SPRITES\myloco.pcx 176 0 01 12 32 -16 -8
 1611 SPRITES\myloco.pcx 224 0 09 17 22 -6 -9

 1299 * 9	 02 00 AA 01 01 00 00 00 00

 1303 * 10	 03 00 01 0C 00 AA 00

 1304 * 23	 04 00 1F 01 0C "My Locomotive (Diesel)" 00
 1305 * 57	 00 00 17 01 0C
  12 FD
  00 \w1-1-1960    // introdate
  02 14            // reliability
  03 \b20          // vehicle life
  04 \b40          // class life
  0D 88            // running cost
  17 25            // purchase cost
  19 08            // engine type
  09 85 00         // speed
  16 \b98          // weight
  0B \w2000        // power
  1F 41            // Tractive effort
  1E 00            // callbacks
  27 02            // flags
  21 00            // shortened
  0E 30 4C 00 00   // run cost base
  05 00            // rail type
  06 04            // climate
  13 00            // doublehead
  14 00            // cargo
  15 00            // capacity
  08 00 // AI passenger
  18 20 // AI rank