Pikka's Basic Industries

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Snow-covered arctic coal and iron ore mines.

Pikka's Basic Industries is an industry grf for TTDPatch. It contains industries for temperate, arctic and tropic climates, and features stockpiling for all secondary industries, requirements for industry placement, and new graphics.


Temperate Industries

Primary Industries

Coal mine
  • Unmodified TTD industry.
  • Unmodified TTD industry.
Iron ore mine
  • Slight production increase.
Oil wells
  • New graphics.
  • Allow production increases before 1950.
Oil rig
  • Unmodified TTD industry.
  • Allow building on hillsides.
  • New industry layouts.
  • Unmodified TTD industry.

Secondary Industries

Power plant
  • Stockpiles coal (max 1000t); produces nothing.
  • Building req: within 20 tiles of a town of 200 population.
Oil refinery
  • Stockpiles oil (max 1200kl); produces fuel oil and plastic.
  • Building req: within 20 tiles of a town of 300 population.
  • Stockpiles wood (max 1000t); produces lumber and goods.
  • Building req: within 15 tiles of a town of 300 population.
Steel mill
  • Stockpiles iron ore (max 1000t) and coal (max 750t); produces steel.
  • Building req: within 15 tiles of a town of 400 population.
Food processing plant
  • Stockpiles grain (max 700t) and livestock (max 700); produces goods.
  • Building req: within 10 tiles of a town of 200 population.
  • Stockpiles grain (max 700t); produces goods.
  • Building req: within 10 tiles of a town of 200 population.

Tertiary Industries

  • Stockpiles steel, lumber and plastic (max 2000t in total); produces goods.
  • Building req: within 20 tiles of a town of 400 population.
Fuel depot
  • Stockpiles fuel oil (800kl); produces nothing.
  • Building req: within 10 tiles of a town.

Arctic Industries

Primary Industries

Coal mine
  • Has snowy graphics for above the snowline.
  • Unmodified TTD industry.
Iron ore mine
  • Produces iron ore.
  • Has snowy graphics for above the snowline.
Oil wells
  • New graphics.
Oil rig
  • Buildable in arctic.
  • Allow building on hillsides.
  • New industry layouts.
Gold mine
  • Has snowy graphics for above the snowline.

Secondary Industries

Power plant
  • Stockpiles coal; produces nothing.
  • Building req: within 20 tiles of a town of 200 population.
Oil refinery
  • Stockpiles oil; produces fuel oil and plastic.
  • Building req: within 20 tiles of a town of 300 population.
  • Below snowline only.
Paper mill
  • Stockpiles wood; produces paper and goods.
  • Building req: within 15 tiles of a town of 300 population.
Steel mill
  • Stockpiles iron ore and coal; produces steel.
  • Building req: within 15 tiles of a town of 400 population.
Food processing plant
  • Stockpiles grain and livestock; produces food.
  • Building req: within 10 tiles of a town of 200 population.
  • Unmodified TTD industry.

Tertiary Industries

  • Stockpiles steel, paper and plastic; produces goods.
  • Building req: within 20 tiles of a town of 400 population.
Fuel depot
  • Stockpiles fuel oil and wood; produces nothing.
  • Building req: within 10 tiles of a town.

Tropic Industries

Primary Industries

Oil wells on the edge of the desert. The donkey pumps are fully animated.
  • Unmodified TTD industry.
Copper ore mine
  • Unmodified TTD industry.
Oil wells
  • New graphics.
Oil rig
  • Buildable in tropic.
Fruit plantation
  • Allow building on hillsides.
Rubber plantation
  • Allow building on hillsides.
Lumber mill
  • Unmodified TTD industry.
Diamond mine
  • Allow building in desert only.
Water supply
  • New graphics.
  • Allow building in desert only.

Secondary Industries

Oil refinery
  • Stockpiles oil; produces fuel oil and plastic.
  • Building req: within 20 tiles of a town of 300 population.
Rubber works
  • Stockpiles rubber; produces plastic and goods.
  • Building req: within 15 tiles of a town of 300 population.
Food processing plant
  • Stockpiles grain and fruit; produces food.
  • Building req: within 10 tiles of a town of 200 population.
Water tower
  • Unmodified TTD industry.
  • Unmodified TTD industry.

Tertiary Industries

Power plant
  • Stockpiles fuel oil; produces nothing.
  • Building req: within 20 tiles of a town of 200 population.
Copper mill
  • Stockpiles copper ore and fuel oil; produces copper.
  • Building req: within 15 tiles of a town of 400 population.
  • Stockpiles copper, wood and plastic; produces goods.
  • Building req: within 10 tiles of a town of 400 population.
Fuel depot
  • Stockpiles fuel oil; produces nothing.
  • Building req: within 10 tiles of a town.

Release notes

  • Building restrictions only apply to randomly generated or player-built industries. You can put an industry anywhere you like in the scenario editor.
  • Because of the population requirements, some secondary industries (eg factories) may be very scarce or even completely absent when starting a new game in tropic or arctic. This is considered a feature rather than a bug. ;)

GRF Parameters

Number Function
0 1 = Food processing plants and breweries produce food in temperate, instead of goods

Downloads and links

See also

UKRS Industries Brick Chain

Personal tools